Mr. Blueberry receives a number of e-mails from consumers with questions about the blueberry each year. Many of them concern care for the blueberry plant. Mr. Blueberry has put together a list of the top 10 most frequently asked questions along with the answers. We hope this will answer any questions you might have.
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What is the best time to trim the blueberry?
It’s best to trim the plant right after the winter. This means around February/March in Europe. Regular trimming is important to keep the plant vital and young. Trimming helps determine the size, flavour and number of berries.
How should I trim the blueberry?
The old fruit-bearing wood should be trimmed. By old fruit-bearing wood we mean the shoots that carried fruits that year. Most people worry about trimming too far. There’s no need; in April, the plant will put out new shoots from the trimmed branches.
Can the blueberry be placed in full soil?
The blueberry may be planted in full soil. Ensure that the plant is rooted in humus-rich soil and is far enough away from other plants. The plants require a lot of space because they can grow quite large. A good distance between the plants is 1-1.5 by 2-2.5 meters. Additionally, blueberries don’t do well with competition. This is because they have a superficial root system and require a lot of water.
You must also take into account the amount of sun the blueberry receives. The ideal spot for the plant is in direct sunlight or a partly shaded spot. This is to allow the berries to ripen properly. Planting the blueberry in the shade makes it more difficult for the berries to ripen.
Can the blueberry be used as a potted plant?
The blueberry can also be used as a potted plant on your terrace (provided you water it regularly while it blooms and during berry season). 'Goldtraube 23' and 'Emblue' are varieties suitable for potting, as they are naturally ‘bushy’.
Ground cover
Do blueberries require ground cover, and if so, what should I use?
Blueberries require good ground cover. The plants have a superficial root system, making them vulnerable to dehydration. Ideally, the ground should be covered with a layer of organic material. Organic material could be: home-made compost, composted tree bark or woodchips.
In addition to providing protection for the plant’s roots, this makes it difficult for weeds to take hold.
Berry production
Can my blueberry bear fruit even if there’s only one plant in the garden?
Yes, that’s no problem. Blueberries are self-pollinating, in other words, one plant is enough to bear fruit.
Can I simply pick and eat the blueberries?
Yes, the large blueberries can be eaten right off the plant, and can be stored in the fridge for about a week. Of course, you can also use them to make jam, blueberry juice or even wine. Click here for the recipe page.
How can I make my own jam?
Before you make the jam, clean the jars thoroughly. Place the jars in boiling water with a teaspoon of baking soda for a few minutes. This will disinfect them. Mix 1 kilogram of cleaned berries with 1 kilogram of preserving sugar and bring to a boil in a large, tall pan, stirring continuously, and boil for 4 minutes. Start the cooking time when the mixture is bubbling and continues to bubble while you stir. Use a maximum of 2 kilograms of fruit and 2 packets of preserving sugar per batch. Fill the glass jars with hot jam up to the rim. Close the jars well and turn them upside down for 5 minutes.
Tip: use a wooden spoon to stir, metal will get very hot.
What is the lifespan of a blueberry?
In optimal conditions, blueberry plants can continue to bear fruit for 30 to 50 years.
Is the blueberry winter hardy?
Yes, the plant is winter hardy. There is no need to place it indoors.
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