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Our blueberry plants are an attractive addition to your garden year-round.

Enjoy the flowering of our Mr. Blueberry plants for several weeks during the spring. You will be amazed by the blossoms! 

The subsequent development from bud to berry is an experience in and of itself, lasting about 6 weeks. A short while later the time has come: you can enjoy the harvest from your own Mr. Blueberry plants!
Eat the berries fresh from the plant, or use them in your deserts or cakes.
Once you've harvested your berries, our Mr. Blueberry plants still have plenty to offer.
During the autumn, the leaves slowly change colour and the plant remains a decorative feature in your garden.
And then: the winter.
Granted, this is hardly the most spectacular season for most plants. Our Mr. Blueberry will still have its attractive red branches for you to enjoy.